
return [

    | Theme
    | The theme to use for SweetAlert2 popups.
    | Available themes: dark, minimal, borderless, bootstrap-4, material-ui, wordpress-admin, bulma.

    'theme' => env('SWEET_ALERT_THEME', 'default'),

    | CDN LINK
    | By default SweetAlert2 use its local sweetalert.all.js
    | file.
    | However, you can use its cdn if you want.

    'cdn' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CDN'),

    | Always load the sweetalert.all.js
    | There might be situations where you will always want the sweet alert
    | js package to be there for you. (for eg. you might use it heavily to
    | show notifications or you might want to use the native js) then this
    | might be handy.

    'alwaysLoadJS' => env('SWEET_ALERT_ALWAYS_LOAD_JS', false),

    | Never load the sweetalert.all.js
    | If you want to handle the sweet alert js package by yourself
    | (for eg. you might want to use laravel mix) then this can be
    | handy.
    | If you set always load js to true & never load js to false,
    | it's going to prioritize the never load js.
    | alwaysLoadJs = true  & neverLoadJs = true  => js will not be loaded
    | alwaysLoadJs = true  & neverLoadJs = false => js will be loaded
    | alwaysLoadJs = false & neverLoadJs = false => js will be loaded when
    | you set alert/toast by using the facade/helper functions.

    'neverLoadJS' => env('SWEET_ALERT_NEVER_LOAD_JS', false),

    | AutoClose Timer
    | This is for the all Modal windows.
    | For specific modal just use the autoClose() helper method.

    'timer' => env('SWEET_ALERT_TIMER', 5000),

    | Width
    | Modal window width, including paddings (box-sizing: border-box).
    | Can be in px or %.
    | The default width is 32rem.
    | This is for the all Modal windows.
    | for particular modal just use the width() helper method.

    'width' => env('SWEET_ALERT_WIDTH', '32rem'),

    | Height Auto
    | By default, SweetAlert2 sets html's and body's CSS height to auto !important.
    | If this behavior isn't compatible with your project's layout,
    | set heightAuto to false.

    'height_auto' => env('SWEET_ALERT_HEIGHT_AUTO', true),

    | Padding
    | Modal window padding.
    | Can be in px or %.
    | The default padding is 1.25rem.
    | This is for the all Modal windows.
    | for particular modal just use the padding() helper method.

    'padding' => env('SWEET_ALERT_PADDING', '1.25rem'),

    | Background
    |  Modal window background
    |   (CSS background property).
    |  The default background is '#fff'.

    'background' => env('SWEET_ALERT_BACKGROUND', '#fff'),

    | Animation
    | Custom animation with [Animate.css](https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/)
    | If set to false, modal CSS animation will be use default ones.
    | For specific modal just use the animation() helper method.

    'animation' => [
        'enable' => env('SWEET_ALERT_ANIMATION_ENABLE', false),

    'animatecss' => env('SWEET_ALERT_ANIMATECSS', 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/animate.css/4.1.1/animate.min.css'),

    | ShowConfirmButton
    | If set to false, a "Confirm"-button will not be shown.
    | It can be useful when you're using custom HTML description.
    | This is for the all Modal windows.
    | For specific modal just use the showConfirmButton() helper method.

    'show_confirm_button' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CONFIRM_BUTTON', true),

    | ShowCloseButton
    | If set to true, a "Close"-button will be shown,
    | which the user can click on to dismiss the modal.
    | This is for the all Modal windows.
    | For specific modal just use the showCloseButton() helper method.

    'show_close_button' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CLOSE_BUTTON', false),

    | Confirm/Cancel Button Text
    | Change the default text of the modal buttons.
    | The texts translations will be handled by Laravel at runtime.
    | This is for the all Modal windows.
    | For specific modal just use the confirmButtonText() and
    | cancelButtonText() helper methods.

    'button_text' => [
        'confirm' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CONFIRM_BUTTON_TEXT', 'OK'),
        'cancel' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT', 'Cancel'),

    | Toast position
    | Modal window or toast position, can be 'top',
    | 'top-start', 'top-end', 'center', 'center-start',
    | 'center-end', 'bottom', 'bottom-start', or 'bottom-end'.
    | For specific modal just use the position() helper method.

    'toast_position' => env('SWEET_ALERT_TOAST_POSITION', 'top-end'),

    | Progress Bar
    | If set to true, a progress bar at the bottom of a popup will be shown.
    | It can be useful with toasts.

    'timer_progress_bar' => env('SWEET_ALERT_TIMER_PROGRESS_BAR', false),

    | Middleware
    | Modal window or toast, config for the Middleware

    'middleware' => [

        'autoClose' => env('SWEET_ALERT_MIDDLEWARE_AUTO_CLOSE', false),

        'toast_position' => env('SWEET_ALERT_MIDDLEWARE_TOAST_POSITION', 'top-end'),

        'toast_close_button' => env('SWEET_ALERT_MIDDLEWARE_TOAST_CLOSE_BUTTON', true),

        'timer' => env('SWEET_ALERT_MIDDLEWARE_ALERT_CLOSE_TIME', 6000),

        'auto_display_error_messages' => env('SWEET_ALERT_AUTO_DISPLAY_ERROR_MESSAGES', true),

    | Custom Class
    | A custom CSS class for the modal:

    'customClass' => [

        'container' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CONTAINER_CLASS'),
        'popup' => env('SWEET_ALERT_POPUP_CLASS'),
        'header' => env('SWEET_ALERT_HEADER_CLASS'),
        'title' => env('SWEET_ALERT_TITLE_CLASS'),
        'closeButton' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CLOSE_BUTTON_CLASS'),
        'icon' => env('SWEET_ALERT_ICON_CLASS'),
        'image' => env('SWEET_ALERT_IMAGE_CLASS'),
        'content' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CONTENT_CLASS'),
        'input' => env('SWEET_ALERT_INPUT_CLASS'),
        'actions' => env('SWEET_ALERT_ACTIONS_CLASS'),
        'confirmButton' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CONFIRM_BUTTON_CLASS'),
        'cancelButton' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CANCEL_BUTTON_CLASS'),
        'footer' => env('SWEET_ALERT_FOOTER_CLASS'),

    | confirmDelete
    | customize the configuration options of the confirmation popup.

    'confirm_delete_confirm_button_text' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CONFIRM_DELETE_CONFIRM_BUTTON_TEXT', 'Yes, delete it!'),
    'confirm_delete_confirm_button_color' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CONFIRM_DELETE_CONFIRM_BUTTON_COLOR'),
    'confirm_delete_cancel_button_color' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CONFIRM_DELETE_CANCEL_BUTTON_COLOR', '#d33'),
    'confirm_delete_cancel_button_text' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CONFIRM_DELETE_CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT', 'Cancel'),
    'confirm_delete_show_cancel_button' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CONFIRM_DELETE_SHOW_CANCEL_BUTTON', true),
    'confirm_delete_show_close_button' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CONFIRM_DELETE_SHOW_CLOSE_BUTTON', false),
    'confirm_delete_icon' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CONFIRM_DELETE_ICON', 'warning'),
    'confirm_delete_show_loader_on_confirm' => env('SWEET_ALERT_CONFIRM_DELETE_SHOW_LOADER_ON_CONFIRM', true),
