"use strict"; $("#modal-1").fireModal({body: 'Modal body text goes here.'}); $("#modal-2").fireModal({body: 'Modal body text goes here.', center: true}); let modal_3_body = '<p>Object to create a button on the modal.</p><pre class="language-javascript"><code>'; modal_3_body += '[\n'; modal_3_body += ' {\n'; modal_3_body += " text: 'Login',\n"; modal_3_body += " submit: true,\n"; modal_3_body += " class: 'btn btn-primary btn-shadow',\n"; modal_3_body += " handler: function(modal) {\n"; modal_3_body += " alert('Hello, you clicked me!');\n" modal_3_body += " }\n" modal_3_body += ' }\n'; modal_3_body += ']'; modal_3_body += '</code></pre>'; $("#modal-3").fireModal({ title: 'Modal with Buttons', body: modal_3_body, buttons: [ { text: 'Click, me!', class: 'btn btn-primary btn-shadow', handler: function(modal) { alert('Hello, you clicked me!'); } } ] }); $("#modal-4").fireModal({ footerClass: 'bg-whitesmoke', body: 'Add the <code>bg-whitesmoke</code> class to the <code>footerClass</code> option.', buttons: [ { text: 'No Action!', class: 'btn btn-primary btn-shadow', handler: function(modal) { } } ] }); $("#modal-5").fireModal({ title: 'Login', body: $("#modal-login-part"), footerClass: 'bg-whitesmoke', autoFocus: false, onFormSubmit: function(modal, e, form) { // Form Data let form_data = $(e.target).serialize(); console.log(form_data) // DO AJAX HERE let fake_ajax = setTimeout(function() { form.stopProgress(); modal.find('.modal-body').prepend('<div class="alert alert-info">Please check your browser console</div>') clearInterval(fake_ajax); }, 1500); e.preventDefault(); }, shown: function(modal, form) { console.log(form) }, buttons: [ { text: 'Login', submit: true, class: 'btn btn-primary btn-shadow', handler: function(modal) { } } ] }); $("#modal-6").fireModal({ body: '<p>Now you can see something on the left side of the footer.</p>', created: function(modal) { modal.find('.modal-footer').prepend('<div class="mr-auto"><a href="#">I\'m a hyperlink!</a></div>'); }, buttons: [ { text: 'No Action', submit: true, class: 'btn btn-primary btn-shadow', handler: function(modal) { } } ] }); $('.oh-my-modal').fireModal({ title: 'My Modal', body: 'This is cool plugin!' });