sprintf.js 6.23 KB
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function sprintf( ) {
    // Return a formatted string  
    // version: 903.3016
    // discuss at: http://phpjs.org/functions/sprintf
    // +   original by: Ash Searle (http://hexmen.com/blog/)
    // + namespaced by: Michael White (http://getsprink.com)
    // +    tweaked by: Jack
    // +   improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net)
    // +      input by: Paulo Ricardo F. Santos
    // +   improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net)
    // +      input by: Brett Zamir (http://brettz9.blogspot.com)
    // +   improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net)
    // *     example 1: sprintf("%01.2f", 123.1);
    // *     returns 1: 123.10
    // *     example 2: sprintf("[%10s]", 'monkey');
    // *     returns 2: '[    monkey]'
    // *     example 3: sprintf("[%'#10s]", 'monkey');
    // *     returns 3: '[####monkey]'
    var regex = /%%|%(\d+\$)?([-+\'#0 ]*)(\*\d+\$|\*|\d+)?(\.(\*\d+\$|\*|\d+))?([scboxXuidfegEG])/g;
    var a = arguments, i = 0, format = a[i++];

    // pad()
    var pad = function(str, len, chr, leftJustify) {
        if (!chr) chr = ' ';
        var padding = (str.length >= len) ? '' : Array(1 + len - str.length >>> 0).join(chr);
        return leftJustify ? str + padding : padding + str;

    // justify()
    var justify = function(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad, customPadChar) {
        var diff = minWidth - value.length;
        if (diff > 0) {
            if (leftJustify || !zeroPad) {
                value = pad(value, minWidth, customPadChar, leftJustify);
            } else {
                value = value.slice(0, prefix.length) + pad('', diff, '0', true) + value.slice(prefix.length);
        return value;

    // formatBaseX()
    var formatBaseX = function(value, base, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad) {
        // Note: casts negative numbers to positive ones
        var number = value >>> 0;
        prefix = prefix && number && {'2': '0b', '8': '0', '16': '0x'}[base] || '';
        value = prefix + pad(number.toString(base), precision || 0, '0', false);
        return justify(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad);

    // formatString()
    var formatString = function(value, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad, customPadChar) {
        if (precision != null) {
            value = value.slice(0, precision);
        return justify(value, '', leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad, customPadChar);

    // doFormat()
    var doFormat = function(substring, valueIndex, flags, minWidth, _, precision, type) {
        var number;
        var prefix;
        var method;
        var textTransform;
        var value;

        if (substring == '%%') return '%';

        // parse flags
        var leftJustify = false, positivePrefix = '', zeroPad = false, prefixBaseX = false, customPadChar = ' ';
        var flagsl = flags.length;
        for (var j = 0; flags && j < flagsl; j++) switch (flags.charAt(j)) {
            case ' ': positivePrefix = ' '; break;
            case '+': positivePrefix = '+'; break;
            case '-': leftJustify = true; break;
            case "'": customPadChar = flags.charAt(j+1); break;
            case '0': zeroPad = true; break;
            case '#': prefixBaseX = true; break;

        // parameters may be null, undefined, empty-string or real valued
        // we want to ignore null, undefined and empty-string values
        if (!minWidth) {
            minWidth = 0;
        } else if (minWidth == '*') {
            minWidth = +a[i++];
        } else if (minWidth.charAt(0) == '*') {
            minWidth = +a[minWidth.slice(1, -1)];
        } else {
            minWidth = +minWidth;

        // Note: undocumented perl feature:
        if (minWidth < 0) {
            minWidth = -minWidth;
            leftJustify = true;

        if (!isFinite(minWidth)) {
            throw new Error('sprintf: (minimum-)width must be finite');

        if (!precision) {
            precision = 'fFeE'.indexOf(type) > -1 ? 6 : (type == 'd') ? 0 : void(0);
        } else if (precision == '*') {
            precision = +a[i++];
        } else if (precision.charAt(0) == '*') {
            precision = +a[precision.slice(1, -1)];
        } else {
            precision = +precision;

        // grab value using valueIndex if required?
        value = valueIndex ? a[valueIndex.slice(0, -1)] : a[i++];

        switch (type) {
            case 's': return formatString(String(value), leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad, customPadChar);
            case 'c': return formatString(String.fromCharCode(+value), leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad);
            case 'b': return formatBaseX(value, 2, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad);
            case 'o': return formatBaseX(value, 8, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad);
            case 'x': return formatBaseX(value, 16, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad);
            case 'X': return formatBaseX(value, 16, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad).toUpperCase();
            case 'u': return formatBaseX(value, 10, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad);
            case 'i':
            case 'd': {
                number = parseInt(+value);
                prefix = number < 0 ? '-' : positivePrefix;
                value = prefix + pad(String(Math.abs(number)), precision, '0', false);
                return justify(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad);
            case 'e':
            case 'E':
            case 'f':
            case 'F':
            case 'g':
            case 'G': {
                number = +value;
                prefix = number < 0 ? '-' : positivePrefix;
                method = ['toExponential', 'toFixed', 'toPrecision']['efg'.indexOf(type.toLowerCase())];
                textTransform = ['toString', 'toUpperCase']['eEfFgG'.indexOf(type) % 2];
                value = prefix + Math.abs(number)[method](precision);
                return justify(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad)[textTransform]();
            default: return substring;

    return format.replace(regex, doFormat);