puppet.js 7.39 KB
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// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE

(function(mod) {
  if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
  else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
    define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
  else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";

CodeMirror.defineMode("puppet", function () {
  // Stores the words from the define method
  var words = {};
  // Taken, mostly, from the Puppet official variable standards regex
  var variable_regex = /({)?([a-z][a-z0-9_]*)?((::[a-z][a-z0-9_]*)*::)?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+(})?/;

  // Takes a string of words separated by spaces and adds them as
  // keys with the value of the first argument 'style'
  function define(style, string) {
    var split = string.split(' ');
    for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
      words[split[i]] = style;

  // Takes commonly known puppet types/words and classifies them to a style
  define('keyword', 'class define site node include import inherits');
  define('keyword', 'case if else in and elsif default or');
  define('atom', 'false true running present absent file directory undef');
  define('builtin', 'action augeas burst chain computer cron destination dport exec ' +
    'file filebucket group host icmp iniface interface jump k5login limit log_level ' +
    'log_prefix macauthorization mailalias maillist mcx mount nagios_command ' +
    'nagios_contact nagios_contactgroup nagios_host nagios_hostdependency ' +
    'nagios_hostescalation nagios_hostextinfo nagios_hostgroup nagios_service ' +
    'nagios_servicedependency nagios_serviceescalation nagios_serviceextinfo ' +
    'nagios_servicegroup nagios_timeperiod name notify outiface package proto reject ' +
    'resources router schedule scheduled_task selboolean selmodule service source ' +
    'sport ssh_authorized_key sshkey stage state table tidy todest toports tosource ' +
    'user vlan yumrepo zfs zone zpool');

  // After finding a start of a string ('|") this function attempts to find the end;
  // If a variable is encountered along the way, we display it differently when it
  // is encapsulated in a double-quoted string.
  function tokenString(stream, state) {
    var current, prev, found_var = false;
    while (!stream.eol() && (current = stream.next()) != state.pending) {
      if (current === '$' && prev != '\\' && state.pending == '"') {
        found_var = true;
      prev = current;
    if (found_var) {
    if (current == state.pending) {
      state.continueString = false;
    } else {
      state.continueString = true;
    return "string";

  // Main function
  function tokenize(stream, state) {
    // Matches one whole word
    var word = stream.match(/[\w]+/, false);
    // Matches attributes (i.e. ensure => present ; 'ensure' would be matched)
    var attribute = stream.match(/(\s+)?\w+\s+=>.*/, false);
    // Matches non-builtin resource declarations
    // (i.e. "apache::vhost {" or "mycustomclasss {" would be matched)
    var resource = stream.match(/(\s+)?[\w:_]+(\s+)?{/, false);
    // Matches virtual and exported resources (i.e. @@user { ; and the like)
    var special_resource = stream.match(/(\s+)?[@]{1,2}[\w:_]+(\s+)?{/, false);

    // Finally advance the stream
    var ch = stream.next();

    // Have we found a variable?
    if (ch === '$') {
      if (stream.match(variable_regex)) {
        // If so, and its in a string, assign it a different color
        return state.continueString ? 'variable-2' : 'variable';
      // Otherwise return an invalid variable
      return "error";
    // Should we still be looking for the end of a string?
    if (state.continueString) {
      // If so, go through the loop again
      return tokenString(stream, state);
    // Are we in a definition (class, node, define)?
    if (state.inDefinition) {
      // If so, return def (i.e. for 'class myclass {' ; 'myclass' would be matched)
      if (stream.match(/(\s+)?[\w:_]+(\s+)?/)) {
        return 'def';
      // Match the rest it the next time around
      state.inDefinition = false;
    // Are we in an 'include' statement?
    if (state.inInclude) {
      // Match and return the included class
      state.inInclude = false;
      return 'def';
    // Do we just have a function on our hands?
    // In 'ensure_resource("myclass")', 'ensure_resource' is matched
    if (stream.match(/(\s+)?\w+\(/)) {
      return 'def';
    // Have we matched the prior attribute regex?
    if (attribute) {
      return 'tag';
    // Do we have Puppet specific words?
    if (word && words.hasOwnProperty(word)) {
      // Negates the initial next()
      // Acutally move the stream
      // We want to process these words differently
      // do to the importance they have in Puppet
      if (stream.match(/\s+\S+\s+{/, false)) {
        state.inDefinition = true;
      if (word == 'include') {
        state.inInclude = true;
      // Returns their value as state in the prior define methods
      return words[word];
    // Is there a match on a reference?
    if (/(\s+)?[A-Z]/.test(word)) {
      // Negate the next()
      // Match the full reference
      return 'def';
    // Have we matched the prior resource regex?
    if (resource) {
      return 'def';
    // Have we matched the prior special_resource regex?
    if (special_resource) {
      return 'special';
    // Match all the comments. All of them.
    if (ch == "#") {
      return "comment";
    // Have we found a string?
    if (ch == "'" || ch == '"') {
      // Store the type (single or double)
      state.pending = ch;
      // Perform the looping function to find the end
      return tokenString(stream, state);
    // Match all the brackets
    if (ch == '{' || ch == '}') {
      return 'bracket';
    // Match characters that we are going to assume
    // are trying to be regex
    if (ch == '/') {
      return 'variable-3';
    // Match all the numbers
    if (ch.match(/[0-9]/)) {
      return 'number';
    // Match the '=' and '=>' operators
    if (ch == '=') {
      if (stream.peek() == '>') {
      return "operator";
    // Keep advancing through all the rest
    // Return a blank line for everything else
    return null;
  // Start it all
  return {
    startState: function () {
      var state = {};
      state.inDefinition = false;
      state.inInclude = false;
      state.continueString = false;
      state.pending = false;
      return state;
    token: function (stream, state) {
      // Strip the spaces, but regex will account for them eitherway
      if (stream.eatSpace()) return null;
      // Go through the main process
      return tokenize(stream, state);

CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-puppet", "puppet");
