/** * jsPDF * (c) 2009 James Hall * * Some parts based on FPDF. */ var jsPDF = function(){ // Private properties var version = '20090504'; var buffer = ''; var pdfVersion = '1.3'; // PDF Version var defaultPageFormat = 'a4'; var pageFormats = { // Size in mm of various paper formats 'a3': [841.89, 1190.55], 'a4': [595.28, 841.89], 'a5': [420.94, 595.28], 'letter': [612, 792], 'legal': [612, 1008] }; var textColor = '0 g'; var page = 0; var objectNumber = 2; // 'n' Current object number var state = 0; // Current document state var pages = new Array(); var offsets = new Array(); // List of offsets var lineWidth = 0.200025; // 2mm var pageHeight; var k; // Scale factor var unit = 'mm'; // Default to mm for units var fontNumber; // TODO: This is temp, replace with real font handling var documentProperties = {}; var fontSize = 16; // Default font size var pageFontSize = 16; // Initilisation if (unit == 'pt') { k = 1; } else if(unit == 'mm') { k = 72/25.4; } else if(unit == 'cm') { k = 72/2.54; } else if(unit == 'in') { k = 72; } // Private functions var newObject = function() { //Begin a new object objectNumber ++; offsets[objectNumber] = buffer.length; out(objectNumber + ' 0 obj'); } var putHeader = function() { out('%PDF-' + pdfVersion); } var putPages = function() { // TODO: Fix, hardcoded to a4 portrait var wPt = pageWidth * k; var hPt = pageHeight * k; for(n=1; n <= page; n++) { newObject(); out('<</Type /Page'); out('/Parent 1 0 R'); out('/Resources 2 0 R'); out('/Contents ' + (objectNumber + 1) + ' 0 R>>'); out('endobj'); //Page content p = pages[n]; newObject(); out('<</Length ' + p.length + '>>'); putStream(p); out('endobj'); } offsets[1] = buffer.length; out('1 0 obj'); out('<</Type /Pages'); var kids='/Kids ['; for (i = 0; i < page; i++) { kids += (3 + 2 * i) + ' 0 R '; } out(kids + ']'); out('/Count ' + page); out(sprintf('/MediaBox [0 0 %.2f %.2f]', wPt, hPt)); out('>>'); out('endobj'); } var putStream = function(str) { out('stream'); out(str); out('endstream'); } var putResources = function() { putFonts(); putImages(); //Resource dictionary offsets[2] = buffer.length; out('2 0 obj'); out('<<'); putResourceDictionary(); out('>>'); out('endobj'); } var putFonts = function() { // TODO: Only supports core font hardcoded to Helvetica newObject(); fontNumber = objectNumber; name = 'Helvetica'; out('<</Type /Font'); out('/BaseFont /' + name); out('/Subtype /Type1'); out('/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding'); out('>>'); out('endobj'); } var putImages = function() { // TODO } var putResourceDictionary = function() { out('/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]'); out('/Font <<'); // Do this for each font, the '1' bit is the index of the font // fontNumber is currently the object number related to 'putFonts' out('/F1 ' + fontNumber + ' 0 R'); out('>>'); out('/XObject <<'); putXobjectDict(); out('>>'); } var putXobjectDict = function() { // TODO // Loop through images } var putInfo = function() { out('/Producer (jsPDF ' + version + ')'); if(documentProperties.title != undefined) { out('/Title (' + pdfEscape(documentProperties.title) + ')'); } if(documentProperties.subject != undefined) { out('/Subject (' + pdfEscape(documentProperties.subject) + ')'); } if(documentProperties.author != undefined) { out('/Author (' + pdfEscape(documentProperties.author) + ')'); } if(documentProperties.keywords != undefined) { out('/Keywords (' + pdfEscape(documentProperties.keywords) + ')'); } if(documentProperties.creator != undefined) { out('/Creator (' + pdfEscape(documentProperties.creator) + ')'); } var created = new Date(); var year = created.getFullYear(); var month = (created.getMonth() + 1); var day = created.getDate(); var hour = created.getHours(); var minute = created.getMinutes(); var second = created.getSeconds(); out('/CreationDate (D:' + sprintf('%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d', year, month, day, hour, minute, second) + ')'); } var putCatalog = function () { out('/Type /Catalog'); out('/Pages 1 0 R'); // TODO: Add zoom and layout modes out('/OpenAction [3 0 R /FitH null]'); out('/PageLayout /OneColumn'); } function putTrailer() { out('/Size ' + (objectNumber + 1)); out('/Root ' + objectNumber + ' 0 R'); out('/Info ' + (objectNumber - 1) + ' 0 R'); } var endDocument = function() { state = 1; putHeader(); putPages(); putResources(); //Info newObject(); out('<<'); putInfo(); out('>>'); out('endobj'); //Catalog newObject(); out('<<'); putCatalog(); out('>>'); out('endobj'); //Cross-ref var o = buffer.length; out('xref'); out('0 ' + (objectNumber + 1)); out('0000000000 65535 f '); for (var i=1; i <= objectNumber; i++) { out(sprintf('%010d 00000 n ', offsets[i])); } //Trailer out('trailer'); out('<<'); putTrailer(); out('>>'); out('startxref'); out(o); out('%%EOF'); state = 3; } var beginPage = function() { page ++; // Do dimension stuff state = 2; pages[page] = ''; // TODO: Hardcoded at A4 and portrait pageHeight = pageFormats['a4'][1] / k; pageWidth = pageFormats['a4'][0] / k; } var out = function(string) { if(state == 2) { pages[page] += string + '\n'; } else { buffer += string + '\n'; } } var _addPage = function() { beginPage(); // Set line width out(sprintf('%.2f w', (lineWidth * k))); // Set font - TODO // 16 is the font size pageFontSize = fontSize; out('BT /F1 ' + parseInt(fontSize) + '.00 Tf ET'); } // Add the first page automatically _addPage(); // Escape text var pdfEscape = function(text) { return text.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/\(/g, '\\(').replace(/\)/g, '\\)'); } return { addPage: function() { _addPage(); }, text: function(x, y, text) { // need page height if(pageFontSize != fontSize) { out('BT /F1 ' + parseInt(fontSize) + '.00 Tf ET'); pageFontSize = fontSize; } var str = sprintf('BT %.2f %.2f Td (%s) Tj ET', x * k, (pageHeight - y) * k, pdfEscape(text)); out(str); }, setProperties: function(properties) { documentProperties = properties; }, addImage: function(imageData, format, x, y, w, h) { }, output: function(type, options) { endDocument(); if(type == undefined) { return buffer; } if(type == 'datauri') { document.location.href = 'data:application/pdf;base64,' + Base64.encode(buffer); } // @TODO: Add different output options }, setFontSize: function(size) { fontSize = size; } } };