/* Validates US States and/or Territories by @jdforsythe
 * Can be case insensitive or require capitalization - default is case insensitive
 * Can include US Territories or not - default does not
 * Can include US Military postal abbreviations (AA, AE, AP) - default does not
 * Note: "States" always includes DC (District of Colombia)
 * Usage examples:
 *  This is the default - case insensitive, no territories, no military zones
 *  stateInput: {
 *     caseSensitive: false,
 *     includeTerritories: false,
 *     includeMilitary: false
 *  }
 *  Only allow capital letters, no territories, no military zones
 *  stateInput: {
 *     caseSensitive: false
 *  }
 *  Case insensitive, include territories but not military zones
 *  stateInput: {
 *     includeTerritories: true
 *  }
 *  Only allow capital letters, include territories and military zones
 *  stateInput: {
 *     caseSensitive: true,
 *     includeTerritories: true,
 *     includeMilitary: true
 *  }

jQuery.validator.addMethod("stateUS", function(value, element, options) {
	var isDefault = typeof options === "undefined",
		caseSensitive = ( isDefault || typeof options.caseSensitive === "undefined" ) ? false : options.caseSensitive,
		includeTerritories = ( isDefault || typeof options.includeTerritories === "undefined" ) ? false : options.includeTerritories,
		includeMilitary = ( isDefault || typeof options.includeMilitary === "undefined" ) ? false : options.includeMilitary,

	if (!includeTerritories && !includeMilitary) {
	} else if (includeTerritories && includeMilitary) {
	} else if (includeTerritories) {
	} else {

	regex = caseSensitive ? new RegExp(regex) : new RegExp(regex, "i");
	return this.optional(element) || regex.test(value);
"Please specify a valid state");