    File Name: widgets.js
    Description: widgets page content with different types of cards
    Item Name: Frest HTML Admin Template
    Version: 1.0
    Author: PIXINVENT
    Author URL: http://www.themeforest.net/user/pixinvent

$(document).ready(function () {

  var $primary = '#5A8DEE';
  var $success = '#39DA8A';
  var $danger = '#FF5B5C';
  var $warning = '#FDAC41';
  var $info = '#00CFDD';
  var $label_color = '#304156';
  var $danger_light = '#FFDEDE';
  var $gray_light = '#828D99';
  var $bg_light = "#f2f4f4";

  // Radial Followers Chart - Primary
  // --------------------------------
  var radialPrimaryoptions = {
    chart: {
      height: 250,
      type: "radialBar"
    series: [86],
    plotOptions: {
      radialBar: {
        offsetY: -10,
        size: 70,
        hollow: {
          size: "70%"
        dataLabels: {
          showOn: "always",
          name: {
            show: false
          value: {
            colors: [$label_color],
            fontSize: "20px",
            show: true,
            offsetY: 8,
            fontFamily: "Rubik"
    stroke: {
      lineCap: "round",
  var radialPrimaryChart = new ApexCharts(


  // Radial Users Chart - Success
  // ----------------------------
  var radialSuccessoptions = {
    chart: {
      height: 250,
      type: "radialBar"
    series: [44],
    colors: [$success],
    plotOptions: {
      radialBar: {
        offsetY: -10,
        size: 70,
        hollow: {
          size: "70%"

        dataLabels: {
          showOn: "always",
          name: {
            show: false
          value: {
            colors: [$label_color],
            fontSize: "20px",
            show: true,
            offsetY: 8,
            fontFamily: "Rubik"
    stroke: {
      lineCap: "round",
  var radialSuccessChart = new ApexCharts(


  // Radial Registrations Chart - Danger
  // -----------------------------------
  var radialDangeroptions = {
    chart: {
      height: 250,
      type: "radialBar"
    series: [63],
    colors: [$danger],
    plotOptions: {
      radialBar: {
        offsetY: -10,
        size: 70,
        hollow: {
          size: "70%"

        dataLabels: {
          showOn: "always",
          name: {
            show: false
          value: {
            colors: [$label_color],
            fontSize: "20px",
            show: true,
            offsetY: 8,
            fontFamily: "Rubik"
    stroke: {
      lineCap: "round",
  var radialDangerChart = new ApexCharts(

  // Multi Radial Statistics
  // -----------------------
  var multiRadialOptions = {
    chart: {
      height: 300,
      type: "radialBar",
    colors: [$primary, $warning, $danger],
    series: [75, 80, 85],
    plotOptions: {
      radialBar: {
        hollow: {
          size: "55%"
        track: {
          margin: 10,
          background: '#fff',
        dataLabels: {
          name: {
            fontSize: '15px',
            color: [$gray_light],
            fontFamily: "IBM Plex Sans",
            offsetY: 25,
          value: {
            fontSize: '32px',
            fontFamily: "Rubik",
            offsetY: -15,
          total: {
            show: true,
            label: 'Instagram',
            color: $gray_light
    stroke: {
      lineCap: "round",
    labels: ['Comments', 'Sharing', 'Replies']

  var multiradialChart = new ApexCharts(

  // Half Radial Chart
  // -----------------
  var radialHalfChartOptions = {
    chart: {
      height: 270,
      type: "radialBar",
    series: [67],
    labels: ["842k"],
    colors: [$warning],
    plotOptions: {
      radialBar: {
        hollow: {
          margin: -5,
          size: '85%',
          image: '../../../app-assets/images/cards/face-regular-24.png',
          imageWidth: 32,
          imageHeight: 32,
          imageClipped: false,
        startAngle: -120,
        endAngle: 130,
        track: {
          background: [$bg_light],
          startAngle: -100,
          endAngle: 120,
        dataLabels: {
          name: {
            show: true,
            fontSize: "34px",
            offsetY: 50,
            color: $label_color
          value: {
            fontSize: "28px",
            show: false
    stroke: {
      lineCap: "round"

  var radialHalfChart = new ApexCharts(

  // Donut Chart Spending
  // ---------------------
  var donustSpendingChart = {
    chart: {
      width: 270,
      type: 'donut',
    dataLabels: {
      enabled: false
    series: [44, 55, 13, 33],
    labels: ["Public Transport", "Cafe & Resturants", "Business Projects", "Traveling & Vocation"],
    stroke: {
      width: 0
    colors: [$danger, $success, $warning, $primary],
    plotOptions: {
      pie: {
        donut: {
          size: '95%',
          labels: {
            show: true,
            name: {
              show: true,
              fontFamily: 'Rubik',
              color: $gray_light,
              offsetY: 30
            value: {
              show: true,
              fontSize: '32px',
              fontFamily: 'Rubik',
              color: undefined,
              offsetY: -20,
              formatter: function (val) {
                return val
            total: {
              show: true,
              label: 'Total',
              color: $gray_light,
              formatter: function (w) {
                return w.globals.seriesTotals.reduce(function (a, b) {
                  return a + b
                }, 0)
    legend: {
      show: false

  var donustChartSpending = new ApexCharts(


  // Donut Chart Statistics
  // -----------------------

  var donustChartStatistics = {
    chart: {
      width: 280,
      type: 'donut'
    dataLabels: {
      enabled: false
    series: [70, 30, 40],
    labels: ["Installation", "Page Views", "Active Users"],
    stroke: {
      width: 0
    colors: [$primary, $warning, $danger],
    plotOptions: {
      pie: {
        donut: {
          size: '95%',
          labels: {
            show: true,
            name: {
              show: true,
              fontSize: '22px',
              fontFamily: 'Rubik',
              color: $gray_light,
              offsetY: 20
            value: {
              show: true,
              fontSize: '32px',
              fontFamily: 'Rubik',
              color: undefined,
              offsetY: -30,
              formatter: function (val) {
                return val
            total: {
              show: true,
              label: 'Copies',
              color: $gray_light,
              formatter: function (w) {
                return w.globals.seriesTotals.reduce(function (a, b) {
                  return a + b
                }, 0)
    legend: {
      show: false

  var donustChartStatistics = new ApexCharts(

  // Bar Chart
  // ---------
  var barchartOptions = {
    chart: {
      height: 310,
      type: 'bar',
      toolbar: {
        show: false
    plotOptions: {
      bar: {
        horizontal: false,
        columnWidth: '20%',
        endingShape: 'rounded'
    legend: {
      horizontalAlign: 'right',
      offsetY: -10,
      markers: {
        radius: 50,
        height: 8,
        width: 8
    dataLabels: {
      enabled: false
    colors: [$danger, $danger_light],
    stroke: {
      show: true,
      width: 0,
      colors: ['transparent']
    series: [{
      name: '2019',
      data: [120, 180, 250, 180, 290, 390, 330, 290, 220, 330, 280, 130]
    }, {
      name: '2018',
      data: [80, 150, 210, 120, 220, 320, 270, 240, 130, 270, 210, 110]
    xaxis: {
      categories: ['Ja', 'Fe', 'Ma', 'Ap', 'Ma', 'Ju', 'Ju', 'Au', 'Se', 'Oc', 'No', 'De'],
      axisBorder: {
        show: false
      axisTicks: {
        show: false
      labels: {
        style: {
          colors: $gray_light
    yaxis: {
      min: 0,
      max: 400,
      tickAmount: 4,
      labels: {
        style: {
          color: $gray_light
    fill: {
      opacity: 1
    tooltip: {
      y: {
        formatter: function (val) {
          return "$ " + val + " thousands"

  var barChart = new ApexCharts(


  // Line Chart
  // ----------

  var lineChartoptions = {
    chart: {
      height: 300,
      type: 'line',
      zoom: {
        enabled: false
      toolbar: {
        show: false
    dataLabels: {
      enabled: false
    stroke: {
      curve: 'straight',
      width: 3,
    legend: {
      horizontalAlign: 'right',
      position: 'top',
      markers: {
        radius: 50,
        height: 8,
        width: 8
      itemMargin: {
        horizontal: 20,
    colors: [$info, $success],
    series: [{
      name: "Views",
      data: [40, 45, 39, 10, 40, 27, 30, 42]
    }, {
      name: "Likes",
      data: [25, 30, 31, 12, 28, 27, 22, 28]
    tooltip: {
      x: {
        show: false,
    xaxis: {
      categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug'],
      axisBorder: {
        show: false,
      axisTicks: {
        show: false,
      labels: {
        style: {
          colors: $gray_light
    yaxis: {
      labels: {
        style: {
          color: $gray_light
    legend: {
      show: false

  var lineChart = new ApexCharts(


  // Statistics Multi Radial
  // -----------------------
  var statisticsRadialChartOptions = {
    chart: {
      height: 270,
      type: "radialBar",
    colors: [$primary, $success, $danger],
    series: [85, 90, 95],
    labels: ['Category', 'Service', 'Account'],
    plotOptions: {
      radialBar: {
        hollow: {
          offsetY: -50,
          size: "50%"
        track: {
          margin: 10,
          background: '#fff',
        dataLabels: {
          name: {
            fontSize: '15px',
            color: [$gray_light],
            fontFamily: "IBM Plex Sans",
            offsetY: 25,
          value: {
            fontSize: '32px',
            fontFamily: "Rubik",
            offsetY: -15,
          total: {
            show: true,
            label: 'Expanse',
    stroke: {
      lineCap: "round",

  var statisticsRadialChart = new ApexCharts(

  // Order Activity Line Chart
  // -------------------------
  var orderActivityChartOptions = {
    chart: {
      height: 350,
      type: 'line',
      toolbar: {
        show: false
    colors: [$primary],
    dataLabels: {
      enabled: false,
    series: [{
      data: [40, 60, 120, 100, 140, 80, 180, 180, 280, 190, 210, 190, 290, 290]
    markers: {
      size: 5,
      hover: {
        size: 7,
        sizeOffset: 7
    xaxis: {
      categories: [10.12, 10.12, 11.12, 11.12, 12.12, 12.12, 13.12, 13.12, 14.12, 14.12, 15.12, 15.12, 16.12, 16.12],
      axisTicks: {
        show: false
      axisBorder: {
        show: false
      labels: {
        style: {
          colors: $gray_light
        offsetX: 3,
    yaxis: {
      min: 0,
      max: 300,
      tickAmount: 3,
      labels: {
        style: {
          color: $gray_light
    grid: {
      padding: {
        left: 15

  var orderActivityChart = new ApexCharts(

  // Followers Line Chart - Danger
  // -----------------------------
  var followerChartDangerOptions = {
    chart: {
      height: 100,
      type: 'line',
      toolbar: {
        show: false
    colors: [$danger],
    dataLabels: {
      enabled: false,
    stroke: {
      width: 3,
    series: [{
      data: [16, 10, 15, 12, 22, 20, 25]
    markers: {
      size: 0
    xaxis: {
      categories: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'],
      axisTicks: {
        show: true,
      labels: {
        style: {
          colors: $gray_light,
      axisBorder: {
        height: 0.5,
    yaxis: {
      show: false
    grid: {
      show: false

  var followerChartDanger = new ApexCharts(

  // Followers Line Chart - Primary
  // ------------------------------
  var followerChartPrimaryOptions = {
    chart: {
      height: 100,
      type: 'line',
      toolbar: {
        show: false
    colors: [$primary],
    dataLabels: {
      enabled: false,
    stroke: {
      width: 3,
    series: [{
      data: [24, 16, 27, 23, 12, 20, 23]
    markers: {
      size: 0
    xaxis: {
      categories: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'],
      axisTicks: {
        show: true,
      labels: {
        style: {
          colors: $gray_light,
      axisBorder: {
        height: 0.5,
    yaxis: {
      show: false
    grid: {
      show: false

  var followerChartPrimary = new ApexCharts(

  // Followers Line Chart - Success
  // ------------------------------
  var followerChartSuccessOptions = {
    chart: {
      height: 100,
      type: 'line',
      toolbar: {
        show: false
    colors: [$success],
    dataLabels: {
      enabled: false,
    stroke: {
      width: 3,
    series: [{
      data: [26, 19, 23, 10, 22, 30, 21]
    markers: {
      size: 0
    xaxis: {
      categories: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'],
      axisTicks: {
        show: true,
      labels: {
        style: {
          colors: $gray_light,
      axisBorder: {
        height: 0.5,
    yaxis: {
      show: false
    grid: {
      show: false

  var followerChartSuccess = new ApexCharts(

  // Radar Multi Series Chart
  // ------------------------
  var radarMultiChartOptions = {
    chart: {
      height: 390,
      type: 'radar',
      toolbar: {
        show: false
    colors: [$warning, $danger],
    series: [{
      name: 'Series 1',
      data: [15, 25, 30, 20, 15, 15, 12, 10],
    }, {
      name: 'Series 2',
      data: [30, 20, 20, 10, 30, 30, 35, 20],
    stroke: {
      width: 0,
      curve: ['smooth', 'straight']
    fill: {
      opacity: 0.85
    markers: {
      size: 3,
      colors: [$warning, $danger]
    dataLabels: {
      style: {
        colors: [$label_color]
    labels: ['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight'],
    yaxis: {
      show: false,
    legend: {
      show: false,

  var radarMultiChart = new ApexCharts(

  // Gauge Chart
  // -----------
  var gaugeChartOptions = {
    chart: {
      height: 360,
      type: 'radialBar',

    plotOptions: {
      radialBar: {
        hollow: {
          margin: 15,
          size: "60%"
        startAngle: -135,
        endAngle: 135,
        dataLabels: {
          name: {
            fontSize: '22px',
            color: '#304156'
          value: {
            fontSize: '20px',
            color: '#828d99',
            formatter: function (val) {
              return val + "min";
    stroke: {
      lineCap: 'round'
    fill: {
      colors: [$warning]
    series: [67],
    labels: ['Time Spent'],

  var gaugeChart = new ApexCharts(

  // Daily Sales States - Heat Map Chart
  // -----------------------------------
  function generateData(count, yrange) {
    var i = 0,
      series = [];
    while (i < count) {
      var x = 'w' + (i + 1).toString(),
        y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (yrange.max - yrange.min + 1)) + yrange.min;

        x: x,
        y: y
    return series;
  var heatChartOptions = {
    chart: {
      height: 300,
      type: 'heatmap',
      toolbar: {
        show: false
    plotOptions: {
      heatmap: {
        enableShades: false,

        colorScale: {
          ranges: [{
            from: 0,
            to: 10,
            color: '#90B3F3'
            from: 11,
            to: 20,
            color: '#7EA6F1'
            from: 21,
            to: 30,
            color: '#6B9AEF'
            from: 31,
            to: 40,
            color: '#598DEE'
            from: 41,
            to: 50,
            color: '#4680EC'
            from: 51,
            to: 60,
            color: '#3474EA'

    dataLabels: {
      enabled: false
    series: [{
      name: 'Sunday',
      data: generateData(24, {
        min: 0,
        max: 60
      name: 'Monday',
      data: generateData(24, {
        min: 0,
        max: 60
      name: 'Tuesday',
      data: generateData(24, {
        min: 0,
        max: 60
      name: 'Wednesday',
      data: generateData(24, {
        min: 0,
        max: 60
      name: 'Thursday',
      data: generateData(24, {
        min: 0,
        max: 60
      name: 'Friday',
      data: generateData(24, {
        min: 0,
        max: 60
      name: 'Saturday',
      data: generateData(24, {
        min: 0,
        max: 60
    xaxis: {
      labels: {
        show: false
      axisBorder: {
        show: false
      axisTicks: {
        show: false
    yaxis: {
      labels: {
        style: {
          color: $gray_light,
          fontSize: '15px'
  var heatChart = new ApexCharts(

  // Single Date Range
    singleDatePicker: true,
    showDropdowns: true,
    minYear: 1901,
    maxYear: parseInt(moment().format('YYYY'), 10)

  // Basic Date Range

  // Widget Notification - List Group
  $('.readable-mark-icon').on('click', function () {
    $(this).addClass('mark-as-read').attr('data-original-title', 'Mark as Unread').children('i').removeClass('text-light-primary').addClass('text-light-secondary');
  // Default mark-as-read shown

  // Widget Todo List
  // ------------------
  // Task List Widget - for completed todo item
  $(document).on('click', '.widget-todo-item input', function () {

  // Drag the task
  dragula([document.getElementById("widget-todo-list")], {
    moves: function(el, container, handle) {
      return handle.classList.contains("cursor-move");

  // Earnings Swiper
  // ---------------
  var swiperLength = $(".swiper-slide").length;
  if (swiperLength) {
    swiperLength = Math.floor(swiperLength / 2)

  // Swiper js for this page
  var mySwiper = new Swiper('.widget-earnings-swiper', {
    slidesPerView: 'auto',
    initialSlide: swiperLength,
    centeredSlides: true,
    spaceBetween: 30,
    // active slide on click
    slideToClickedSlide: true,


  // Active slide change on swipe
  mySwiper.on('slideChange', function () {

  //add class active content of active slide
  function activeSlide(index) {
    var slideEl = mySwiper.slides[index]
    var slideId = $(slideEl).attr('id');
    $("[data-earnings=" + slideId + "]").addClass('active')

  // Perfect Scrollbar
  // Widget - User Details -Perfect Scrollbar X
  if ($('.widget-user-details .table-responsive').length > 0) {
    var user_details = new PerfectScrollbar('.widget-user-details .table-responsive');

  // Widget - Card Overlay - Perfect Scrollbar X - on initial level
  if ($('.widget-overlay-content .table-responsive').length > 0) {
    var card_overlay = new PerfectScrollbar('.widget-overlay-content .tab-pane.active .table-responsive');

  // Widget - Card Overlay - Perfect Scrollbar X - on active tab-pane
  $('.widget-overlay-content a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown.bs.tab', function (e) {
    var card_overlay = new PerfectScrollbar('.widget-overlay-content .tab-pane.active .table-responsive');

  // Widget - timeline perfect scrollbar initialization
  if ($(".widget-timeline").length > 0) {
    var widget_chat_scroll = new PerfectScrollbar(".widget-timeline", { wheelPropagation: false });
  // Widget - chat area perfect scrollbar initialization
  if ($(".widget-chat-scroll").length > 0) {
    var widget_chat_scroll = new PerfectScrollbar(".widget-chat-scroll", { wheelPropagation: false });
  // Widget - earnings perfect scrollbar initialization
  if ($(".widget-earnings-scroll").length > 0) {
    var widget_earnings = new PerfectScrollbar(".widget-earnings-scroll",
      // horizontal scroll with mouse wheel
        suppressScrollY: true,
        useBothWheelAxes: true
  // Widget - chat autoscroll to bottom of Chat area on page initialization
  $(".widget-chat-scroll").animate({ scrollTop: $(".widget-chat-scroll")[0].scrollHeight }, 800);


// widget page chat
// ----------------
// Add message to chat
function widgetMessageSend(source) {
  var message = $(".widget-chat-message").val();
  if (message != "") {
    var html = '<div class="chat-message">' + "<p>" + message + "</p>" + "<div class=" + "chat-time" + ">3:35 AM</div></div>";
    $(".widget-chat-messages .chat:last-child .chat-body").append(html);
    $(".widget-chat-scroll").scrollTop($(".widget-chat-scroll > .chat-content").height());