/**************************************************************************************************** * @name: LivIconsEvo.defaults.js - the default options for LivIcons (Live Icons) Evolution * @version: 2.8.XXX (XXX is a total number of icons) * @URL: https://livicons.com * @copyright: (c) 2013-2019 DeeThemes (https://codecanyon.net/user/DeeThemes) * @licenses: https://codecanyon.net/licenses/regular https://codecanyon.net/licenses/extended *****************************************************************************************************/ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') { window.alert('LivIcons Evolution Script requires jQuery (https://jquery.com)!'); throw new Error('LivIcons Evolution Script requires jQuery (https://jquery.com)!'); } function LivIconsEvoDefaults() { "use strict"; var defaultOptions = { pathToFolder: '../../../app-assets/fonts/LivIconsEvo/svg/', //the path from root of your site to folder with icons. Also may be as URL, like 'http://yoursite.com/path/to/LivIconsEvo/svg/' name: 'bell.svg', //the default icon name //visualization options style: 'original', //'original', 'solid', filled', 'lines' or ('lines-alt' / 'linesAlt') size: '60px', //default size strokeStyle: 'original', //'original', 'round' or 'square' strokeWidth: 'original', //'original' or any value in pixels tryToSharpen: true, //apply or not micro shifts of SVG shapes to try to make them more sharp (crisp) rotate: 'none', //'none' or any value in deg [0 ... 360] flipHorizontal: false, flipVertical: false, strokeColor: '#22A7F0', //when style opt is 'filled' or 'lines' or ('lines-alt' / 'linesAlt') strokeColorAction: '#b3421b', //when 'style' is 'original', 'filled' or 'lines' and 'colorsOnHover' or 'colorsWhenMorph' is 'custom' strokeColorAlt: '#F9B32F', //when style opt is ('lines-alt' / 'linesAlt') strokeColorAltAction: '#ab69c6', //when 'style' is ('lines-alt' / 'linesAlt') and 'colorsOnHover' or 'colorsWhenMorph' is 'custom' fillColor: '#91e9ff', //when style opt is 'filled' fillColorAction: '#ff926b', //when 'style' is 'original' or 'filled' and 'colorsOnHover' or 'colorsWhenMorph' is 'custom' solidColor: '#6C7A89', //when style opt is 'solid' solidColorAction: '#4C5A69', //when 'style' is 'solid' and 'colorsOnHover' or 'colorsWhenMorph' is 'custom' solidColorBg: '#ffffff', //when style opt is 'solid' solidColorBgAction: '#ffffff', //when 'style' is 'solid' colorsOnHover: 'none', //'none', 'lighter', 'darker', 'custom' or 'hue0' ... 'hue360' colorsHoverTime: 0.3, //seconds colorsWhenMorph: 'none', //'none', 'lighter', 'darker', 'custom' or 'hue0' ... 'hue360' brightness: 0.10, // brightness change when 'lighter' or 'darker' (10% by default) saturation: 0.07, // saturation change when 'lighter' or 'darker' (7% by default) morphState: 'start', //'start' or 'end' (initial state for animating position) morphImage: 'none', //'none' or a URL to your image (better to use an image with equal width and height) allowMorphImageTransform: false, //if true the inside image will rotate and/or flip with a morph icon together strokeWidthFactorOnHover: 'none', //'none' or numeric value. For ex., for increase twice set the option to 2 strokeWidthOnHoverTime: 0.3, //seconds keepStrokeWidthOnResize: false, //animation options animated: true, //if false, an icon is static eventType: 'hover', //'click', 'hover' or 'none' eventOn: 'self', //'self', 'parent', 'grandparent' or any ID (#some_id) or class (.some_class) autoPlay: false, //be careful with true value delay: 0, //value in seconds duration: 'default', //'default' or value in seconds repeat: 'default', //'default', 'loop' or integer number of repeats repeatDelay: 'default', //'default' or value in seconds drawOnViewport: false, viewportShift: 'oneHalf', //'none', ('one-half' / 'oneHalf'), ('one-third' / 'oneThird') or 'full' drawDelay: 0, //seconds drawTime: 1, //seconds drawStagger: 0.1, //seconds drawStartPoint: 'middle', //'start', 'middle' or 'end' drawColor: 'same', //'same' or any desired color value (HEX) drawColorTime: 1, //seconds drawReversed: false, //true will reverse the order of shapes drawing drawEase: 'Power1.easeOut', //default ease eraseDelay: 0, //seconds eraseTime: 1, //seconds eraseStagger: 0.1, //seconds eraseStartPoint: 'middle', //'start', 'middle' or 'end' eraseReversed: true, //true will reverse the order of shapes erasing eraseEase: 'Power1.easeOut', //default ease touchEvents: false, //apply or not special events handlers for touch devices //callback functions beforeAdd: false, afterAdd: false, beforeUpdate: false, afterUpdate: false, beforeRemove: false, afterRemove: false, beforeDraw: false, afterDraw: false, duringDraw: false, beforeErase: false, afterErase: false, duringErase: false, beforeAnim: false, afterAnim: false, duringAnim: false }; if (defaultOptions.pathToFolder === '/EDIT THIS OPTION!/') { window.alert('LivIcons Evolution: Please edit "pathToFolder" option in the "LivIconsEvo.defaults.js" file!'); throw new Error('LivIcons Evolution: Please edit "pathToFolder" option in the "LivIconsEvo.defaults.js" file!'); } return defaultOptions; }