/* Widgets Advance */ /*-----------------*/ .widget-todo .dropdown .dropdown-toggle:after { right : 0.1rem; color : #828D99; } .widget-todo .widget-todo-list-wrapper { padding-right : 0; margin-bottom : 0; list-style-type : none; } .widget-todo .widget-todo-list-wrapper .widget-todo-item { padding : 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.1rem 1.5rem; } .widget-todo .widget-todo-list-wrapper .widget-todo-item .widget-todo-title-area i { visibility : hidden; color : #828D99; } .widget-todo .widget-todo-list-wrapper .widget-todo-item:hover { background-color : #F2F4F4; } .widget-todo .widget-todo-list-wrapper .widget-todo-item:hover .widget-todo-title-area i { visibility : visible; } .widget-todo .widget-todo-list-wrapper .widget-todo-item.completed .widget-todo-title { text-decoration : line-through; } .widget-overlay .widget-overlay-card .overlay-primary { /* Widget Card Overlay */ background : rgba(90, 141, 238, 0.9); border-bottom-right-radius : 0; border-bottom-left-radius : 0; } .widget-overlay .widget-overlay-card .dropdown a { color : inherit; 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} .widget-notification .list-group-item .readable-mark-icon { cursor : pointer; } .widget-notification .list-group-item:last-child { border-bottom-left-radius : 0.267rem; border-bottom-right-radius : 0.267rem; } .widget-notification .list-group-item.list-group-item-action:active { color : inherit; background-color : inherit; } .widget-user-details .table-responsive { position : relative; } /* Widgets Charts Starts */ /*-----------------------*/ .widget-state-multi-radial .nav.nav-tabs { border : 0 !important; } .widget-state-multi-radial .nav-item.current:after, .widget-state-multi-radial .nav-item.current:before, .widget-state-multi-radial .nav-item .nav-link:after, .widget-state-multi-radial .nav-item .nav-link:before { border : 0 !important; } #donut-chart-spending .apexcharts-canvas, #donut-chart-statistics .apexcharts-canvas { margin : 0 auto; } .widget-timeline { /* widget timeline */ position : relative; height : 415px; padding-left : 1rem; } .widget-earnings-scroll { position : relative; } .widget-earnings-scroll .widget-earnings-width { min-width : 390px; } #widget-earnings .widget-earnings-swiper.swiper-container .swiper-slide { /* widget Earnings swiper */ font-weight : 500; background-color : #F2F4F4; height : auto; width : auto !important; color : #828D99; cursor : pointer; } #widget-earnings .widget-earnings-swiper.swiper-container .swiper-slide.swiper-slide-active { /* widget Earnings swiper slide active */ color : #FFFFFF; background-color : #5A8DEE !important; box-shadow : 0 3px 6px 0 rgba(90, 141, 238, 0.5) !important; } #widget-earnings .wrapper-content { display : none; } #widget-earnings .wrapper-content.active { display : block; } @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { .widget-todo-list-wrapper .widget-todo-title-wrapper { -webkit-box-orient : vertical; -webkit-box-direction : normal; -webkit-flex-direction : column; -ms-flex-direction : column; flex-direction : column; } .widget-todo-list-wrapper .widget-todo-title-wrapper .widget-todo-title-area { margin-left : auto; } .widget-todo-list-wrapper .widget-todo-title-wrapper .widget-todo-item-action { margin-right : auto; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1200px) { .widget-radial-charts .widget-card-details { padding-bottom : 0 !important; } } @media screen and (min-width: 1200px) and (max-width: 1400px) { .widget-img-top .content-post { display : none !important; } .widget-state-multi-radial .card-header { display : block !important; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1300px) and (min-width: 900px) { .progress-card, .overlay-image-card { -webkit-box-flex : 0; -webkit-flex : 0 0 50%; -ms-flex : 0 0 50%; flex : 0 0 50%; max-width : 50%; } .whether-card { -webkit-box-flex : 0; -webkit-flex : 0 0 100%; -ms-flex : 0 0 100%; flex : 0 0 100%; max-width : 100%; } .user-details-card { -webkit-box-flex : 0; -webkit-flex : 0 0 100%; -ms-flex : 0 0 100%; flex : 0 0 100%; max-width : 100%; } .img-top-card, .timline-card, .widget-chat-card, .earnings-card, .user-profile-card, .whether { -webkit-box-flex : 0; -webkit-flex : 0 0 50%; -ms-flex : 0 0 50%; flex : 0 0 50%; max-width : 50%; } } @media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) { /* IE Specific CSS for charts - radial-primary/success/danger */ .widget-radial-charts .widget-card-details { display : block !important; } }