DataTable.defaults.oLanguage.html 22 KB
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					<h1 class="page-title">Namespace: oLanguage</h1>
					<h2 class="ancestors">Ancestry: <span class="ancestors"><a href="DataTable.html">DataTable</a> » <a href="DataTable.defaults.html">.defaults</a>.</span> » oLanguage</h2>
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						DataTables v1.9.4 documentation


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					<li><a href="#top">Overview</a></li>
					<li><a href="#summary">Summary</a><div><table cellpadding="5" border="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>Classes (0)</td><td><a href="#summary_namespaces">Namespaces (2)</a></td></tr><tr><td>Properties (0)</td><td><a href="#summary_properties_static">Static properties (12)</a></td></tr><tr><td>Methods (0)</td><td>Static methods (0)</td></tr><tr><td>Events (0)</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></div></li><li><a href="#details">Details</a><div><table cellpadding="5" border="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>Properties (0)</td><td><a href="#summary_properties_static">Static properties (12)</a></td></tr><tr><td>Methods (0)</td><td>Static methods (0)</td></tr><tr><td>Events (0)</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table></div></li></ul>
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					<a name="overview"></a>
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						<p>All strings that DataTables uses in the user interface that it creates
are defined in this object, allowing you to modified them individually or
completely replace them all as required.</p><dl class="details">


					<div class="doc_summary">
						<a name="summary"></a>

						<div class="doc_group"><a name="summary_namespaces"></a><h3 class="subsection-title">Namespaces</h3>
	<dt class="even"><span class="type-name"><a href="DataTable.defaults.oLanguage.oAria.html">oAria</a></span></dt><dd class="even"><p>Strings that are used for WAI-ARIA labels and controls only (these are not
actually visible on the page, but will be read by screenreaders, and thus
must be internationalised as well).</p></dd><dt class="odd"><span class="type-name"><a href="DataTable.defaults.oLanguage.oPaginate.html">oPaginate</a></span></dt><dd class="odd"><p>Pagination string used by DataTables for the two built-in pagination
control types ("two_button" and "full_numbers")</p></dd>
</dl></div><div class="doc_group"><a name="summary_properties_static"></a><h3 class="subsection-title">Properties - static</h3>

    <dt class="  even"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sEmptyTable">sEmptyTable</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>This string is shown in preference to sZeroRecords when the table is
empty of data (regardless of filtering). Note that this is an optional
parameter - if it is not given, the value of sZeroRecords will be used
instead (either the default or given value).</p></dd><dt class="  odd"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sInfo">sInfo</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>This string gives information to the end user about the information that 
is current on display on the page. The <em>START</em>, <em>END</em> and <em>TOTAL</em> 
variables are all dynamically replaced as the table display updates, and 
can be freely moved or removed as the language requirements change.</p></dd><dt class="  even"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sInfoEmpty">sInfoEmpty</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>Display information string for when the table is empty. Typically the 
format of this string should match sInfo.</p></dd><dt class="  odd"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sInfoFiltered">sInfoFiltered</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>When a user filters the information in a table, this string is appended 
to the information (sInfo) to give an idea of how strong the filtering 
is. The variable <em>MAX</em> is dynamically updated.</p></dd><dt class="  even"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sInfoPostFix">sInfoPostFix</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>If can be useful to append extra information to the info string at times,
and this variable does exactly that. This information will be appended to
the sInfo (sInfoEmpty and sInfoFiltered in whatever combination they are
being used) at all times.</p></dd><dt class="  odd"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sInfoThousands">sInfoThousands</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>DataTables has a build in number formatter (fnFormatNumber) which is used
to format large numbers that are used in the table information. By
default a comma is used, but this can be trivially changed to any
character you wish with this parameter.</p></dd><dt class="  even"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sLengthMenu">sLengthMenu</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>Detail the action that will be taken when the drop down menu for the
pagination length option is changed. The '<em>MENU</em>' variable is replaced
with a default select list of 10, 25, 50 and 100, and can be replaced
with a custom select box if required.</p></dd><dt class="  odd"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sLoadingRecords">sLoadingRecords</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>When using Ajax sourced data and during the first draw when DataTables is
gathering the data, this message is shown in an empty row in the table to
indicate to the end user the the data is being loaded. Note that this
parameter is not used when loading data by server-side processing, just
Ajax sourced data with client-side processing.</p></dd><dt class="  even"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sProcessing">sProcessing</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>Text which is displayed when the table is processing a user action
(usually a sort command or similar).</p></dd><dt class="  odd"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sSearch">sSearch</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>Details the actions that will be taken when the user types into the
filtering input text box. The variable "<em>INPUT</em>", if used in the string,
is replaced with the HTML text box for the filtering input allowing
control over where it appears in the string. If "<em>INPUT</em>" is not given
then the input box is appended to the string automatically.</p></dd><dt class="  even"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sUrl">sUrl</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>All of the language information can be stored in a file on the
server-side, which DataTables will look up if this parameter is passed.
It must store the URL of the language file, which is in a JSON format,
and the object has the same properties as the oLanguage object in the
initialiser object (i.e. the above parameters). Please refer to one of
the example language files to see how this works in action.</p></dd><dt class="  odd"><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sZeroRecords">sZeroRecords</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>Text shown inside the table records when the is no information to be
displayed after filtering. sEmptyTable is shown when there is simply no
information in the table at all (regardless of filtering).</p></dd>

					<div class="doc_details">
						<a name="details"></a>
						<div class="doc_group"><a name="details_properties"></a><h3 class="subsection-title">Properties - static</h3>
    <dt class="  even"><a name="sEmptyTable"></a><a name="sEmptyTable_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sEmptyTable">sEmptyTable</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>This string is shown in preference to sZeroRecords when the table is
empty of data (regardless of filtering). Note that this is an optional
parameter - if it is not given, the value of sZeroRecords will be used
instead (either the default or given value).</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
    <div class="example-code">
    	<pre class="brush: js">   $(document).ready( function() {
     $('#example').dataTable( {
       "oLanguage": {
         "sEmptyTable": "No data available in table"
     } );
   } );</pre>
</div></dd><dt class="  odd"><a name="sInfo"></a><a name="sInfo_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sInfo">sInfo</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>This string gives information to the end user about the information that 
is current on display on the page. The <em>START</em>, <em>END</em> and <em>TOTAL</em> 
variables are all dynamically replaced as the table display updates, and 
can be freely moved or removed as the language requirements change.</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
    <div class="example-code">
    	<pre class="brush: js">   $(document).ready( function() {
     $('#example').dataTable( {
       "oLanguage": {
         "sInfo": "Got a total of _TOTAL_ entries to show (_START_ to _END_)"
     } );
   } );</pre>
</div></dd><dt class="  even"><a name="sInfoEmpty"></a><a name="sInfoEmpty_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sInfoEmpty">sInfoEmpty</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>Display information string for when the table is empty. Typically the 
format of this string should match sInfo.</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
    <div class="example-code">
    	<pre class="brush: js">   $(document).ready( function() {
     $('#example').dataTable( {
       "oLanguage": {
         "sInfoEmpty": "No entries to show"
     } );
   } );</pre>
</div></dd><dt class="  odd"><a name="sInfoFiltered"></a><a name="sInfoFiltered_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sInfoFiltered">sInfoFiltered</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>When a user filters the information in a table, this string is appended 
to the information (sInfo) to give an idea of how strong the filtering 
is. The variable <em>MAX</em> is dynamically updated.</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
    <div class="example-code">
    	<pre class="brush: js">   $(document).ready( function() {
     $('#example').dataTable( {
       "oLanguage": {
         "sInfoFiltered": " - filtering from _MAX_ records"
     } );
   } );</pre>
</div></dd><dt class="  even"><a name="sInfoPostFix"></a><a name="sInfoPostFix_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sInfoPostFix">sInfoPostFix</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>If can be useful to append extra information to the info string at times,
and this variable does exactly that. This information will be appended to
the sInfo (sInfoEmpty and sInfoFiltered in whatever combination they are
being used) at all times.</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
    <div class="example-code">
    	<pre class="brush: js">   $(document).ready( function() {
     $('#example').dataTable( {
       "oLanguage": {
         "sInfoPostFix": "All records shown are derived from real information."
     } );
   } );</pre>
</div></dd><dt class="  odd"><a name="sInfoThousands"></a><a name="sInfoThousands_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sInfoThousands">sInfoThousands</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>DataTables has a build in number formatter (fnFormatNumber) which is used
to format large numbers that are used in the table information. By
default a comma is used, but this can be trivially changed to any
character you wish with this parameter.</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
    <div class="example-code">
    	<pre class="brush: js">   $(document).ready( function() {
     $('#example').dataTable( {
       "oLanguage": {
         "sInfoThousands": "'"
     } );
   } );</pre>
</div></dd><dt class="  even"><a name="sLengthMenu"></a><a name="sLengthMenu_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sLengthMenu">sLengthMenu</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>Detail the action that will be taken when the drop down menu for the
pagination length option is changed. The '<em>MENU</em>' variable is replaced
with a default select list of 10, 25, 50 and 100, and can be replaced
with a custom select box if required.</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
    <div class="example-code">
    	<pre class="brush: js">   // Language change only
   $(document).ready( function() {
     $('#example').dataTable( {
       "oLanguage": {
         "sLengthMenu": "Display _MENU_ records"
     } );
   } );

    <div class="example-code">
    	<pre class="brush: js">   // Language and options change
   $(document).ready( function() {
     $('#example').dataTable( {
       "oLanguage": {
         "sLengthMenu": 'Display <select>'+
           '<option value="10">10</option>'+
           '<option value="20">20</option>'+
           '<option value="30">30</option>'+
           '<option value="40">40</option>'+
           '<option value="50">50</option>'+
           '<option value="-1">All</option>'+
           '</select> records'
     } );
   } );</pre>
</div></dd><dt class="  odd"><a name="sLoadingRecords"></a><a name="sLoadingRecords_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sLoadingRecords">sLoadingRecords</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>When using Ajax sourced data and during the first draw when DataTables is
gathering the data, this message is shown in an empty row in the table to
indicate to the end user the the data is being loaded. Note that this
parameter is not used when loading data by server-side processing, just
Ajax sourced data with client-side processing.</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
    <div class="example-code">
    	<pre class="brush: js">   $(document).ready( function() {
     $('#example').dataTable( {
       "oLanguage": {
         "sLoadingRecords": "Please wait - loading..."
     } );
   } );</pre>
</div></dd><dt class="  even"><a name="sProcessing"></a><a name="sProcessing_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sProcessing">sProcessing</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>Text which is displayed when the table is processing a user action
(usually a sort command or similar).</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
    <div class="example-code">
    	<pre class="brush: js">   $(document).ready( function() {
     $('#example').dataTable( {
       "oLanguage": {
         "sProcessing": "DataTables is currently busy"
     } );
   } );</pre>
</div></dd><dt class="  odd"><a name="sSearch"></a><a name="sSearch_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sSearch">sSearch</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>Details the actions that will be taken when the user types into the
filtering input text box. The variable "<em>INPUT</em>", if used in the string,
is replaced with the HTML text box for the filtering input allowing
control over where it appears in the string. If "<em>INPUT</em>" is not given
then the input box is appended to the string automatically.</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
    <div class="example-code">
    	<pre class="brush: js">   // Input text box will be appended at the end automatically
   $(document).ready( function() {
     $('#example').dataTable( {
       "oLanguage": {
         "sSearch": "Filter records:"
     } );
   } );

    <div class="example-code">
    	<pre class="brush: js">   // Specify where the filter should appear
   $(document).ready( function() {
     $('#example').dataTable( {
       "oLanguage": {
         "sSearch": "Apply filter _INPUT_ to table"
     } );
   } );</pre>
</div></dd><dt class="  even"><a name="sUrl"></a><a name="sUrl_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sUrl">sUrl</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  even"><p>All of the language information can be stored in a file on the
server-side, which DataTables will look up if this parameter is passed.
It must store the URL of the language file, which is in a JSON format,
and the object has the same properties as the oLanguage object in the
initialiser object (i.e. the above parameters). Please refer to one of
the example language files to see how this works in action.</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
    <div class="example-code">
    	<pre class="brush: js">   $(document).ready( function() {
     $('#example').dataTable( {
       "oLanguage": {
         "sUrl": ""
     } );
   } );</pre>
</div></dd><dt class="  odd"><a name="sZeroRecords"></a><a name="sZeroRecords_details"></a><span class="type-attr"><span class="type-signature">&lt;static> </span></span><span class="type-name"><a href="#sZeroRecords">sZeroRecords</a></span><span class="type-sig"><span class="type-signature"> :string</span></span></dt><dd class="  odd"><p>Text shown inside the table records when the is no information to be
displayed after filtering. sEmptyTable is shown when there is simply no
information in the table at all (regardless of filtering).</p><div class="collapse_details"><dl class="details">
    <div class="example-code">
    	<pre class="brush: js">   $(document).ready( function() {
     $('#example').dataTable( {
       "oLanguage": {
         "sZeroRecords": "No records to display"
     } );
   } );</pre>

		<div class="fw_footer">
			DataTables: Copyright 2008-2012 Allan Jardine, all rights reserved<br>

			Documentation generated by <a href="">JSDoc 3</a> on
			23th Sep 2012 - 14:27
			with the <a href="">DataTables</a> template.