Commit 1298a647 by Bagus Pambudi

fix bug tulisan dengan format teks tidak tampil

parent 072971a9
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
</div><!-- end blog-carousel-header -->
<div class="blog-carousel-desc">
{{-- <p>{!! substr(html_entity_decode($value->content),0 , 250) !!}</p> --}}
<p>{!! strip_tags(substr(html_entity_decode($value->content,ENT_COMPAT,"UTF-8"),0 , 250)) !!}</p>
<p>{!! substr(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($value->content,ENT_COMPAT,"UTF-8")),0 , 250) !!}</p>
{{-- <p>{!! $value->content !!}</p> --}}
</div><!-- end blog-carousel-desc -->
</div><!-- end blog-carousel -->
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
<a href="{!! url('post/'.$value->slug) !!}"><h2 style="color: #ffffff;">{{$value->title}}</h2></a>
</div><!-- end title -->
<div class="shop_desc">
<p style="color: #ffffff;">{!! strip_tags(substr(html_entity_decode($value->content,ENT_COMPAT,"UTF-8"),0 , 250)) !!}</p>
<p style="color: #ffffff;">{!! substr(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($value->content,ENT_COMPAT,"UTF-8")),0 , 250) !!}</p>
</div><!-- end shop_desc -->
<div class="blog-carousel-meta">
<span style="color: #ffffff;"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> {!! InseoHelper::tglbulanindo2($value->post_date) !!}</span>
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