Commit e06607b2 by Alfiro Pratama

Nama File Export Excel Monev Internal

parent 66f79943
......@@ -580,7 +580,13 @@ class MonevProposalController extends Controller
$tahun = $request->tahun;
$monev = $request->monev;
return Excel::download(new DaftarProposalMonevExport($jenis, $status, $tahun, $monev), 'seleksi_monev_export.xlsx');
$filename = sprintf(
$monev == 'Monev Internal I' ? 'i' : 'ii'
return Excel::download(new DaftarProposalMonevExport($jenis, $status, $tahun, $monev), $filename);
// $data = new DaftarProposalMonevExport($jenis, $status, $tahun, $monev);
// return $data->view();
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